Sunday, November 1, 2009

Help Voters Achieve LGBT Equality NOW!

Last week I listed some things you can do in 5 minutes or less to promote LGBT equal rights, and I was thrilled with the response (thanks all)! This week, I'm including some activities that will take more time, but can help tip the scales for LGBT equality in several key state elections.

If you have some time to invest today or tomorrow... please consider investing it in one of these causes:

1. Phone for Maine
It's time... sign up to call for equality! Maine is in a heated battle to protect same-sex marriage in their state. Having previously passed legislation that ended discrimination in marriage against same-sex couples, question #1 on the ballot attempts to take away these rights - similar to Prop 8 in California. The polls say voters are split in a virtual dead-heat. You can help tip the scales by making calls to encourage voters to vote NO on question #1 this Tuesday. Interested? SIGN UP NOW!

2. Phone for Washington State
Similar to the Maine situation, Washington State is trying to protect domestic partnership legislation by passing Referendum 71. If you are interested in joining their phone banks - from the privacy of your own home - please SIGN UP NOW. The clock is ticking!

3. Send an Email for Kalamazoo
Help spread the word in Kalamazoo, Michigan, about Ordinance 1856, a non-discrimination ordinance that will protect the rights of LGBT citizens. No matter where you are living now, if you know voters in Kalamazoo, please tell them to vote YES for equality before November 3rd. SEND AN EMAIL NOW. It's easy, and you can help make a difference!

4. Phone for New Jersey
Help Jon Corzine in his bid for re-election as Governor of New Jersey by joining the phone banks. He has been a strong supporter of marriage equality, and his opponent Chris Christie is making an eleventh hour push by denouncing Corzine's support for marriage equality, and pledging to support a Marriage Protection Amendment in New Jersey. If you would like to make calls on Corzine's behalf, SIGN UP NOW.
If you don't personally have the time to support these causes today or tomorrow, please forward this on to your friends and family. You never know who might want to join the cause!

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I wanted to let you know about a line of iPhone PRIDE and EQUALITY cases. They have some very hot cases...check them out.
