Sunday, May 10, 2009

Gay Myth #4: We are Pedophiles

I have no doubt that most rational adults in society recognize that there is no direct correlation between being gay and being a pedophile. In fact, when I first starting contemplating how I was going to approach this blog entry, I wondered whether this was really even a prevalent myth at all. And on first blush, I’m glad to report that my suspicion appears to be mostly correct.

Based on the handful of articles I have read on the topic, it seems that general public perceptions have evolved greatly over the last several decades. While 70% of survey respondents in 1970 believed that "homosexuals are dangerous as teachers or youth leaders because they try to get sexually involved with children" or that "homosexuals try to play sexually with children if they cannot get an adult partner", only 19% of heterosexual men and 10% of heterosexual women had similar beliefs in 1999 (see article at This is good news. Society is evolving.

However, with that said, it frustrates me that 1 out of every 5 straight men and 1 out of every 10 straight women would not trust me with their children simply because I am gay. And it is downright alarming to me when I read the rhetoric published by so-called ‘family values’ crusaders who seem to be working very hard to perpetuate this myth through selective and often inaccurate statistics.

These groups are actively campaigning to vilify the LGBT community and to encourage unfounded societal fears. The articles I read repeatedly refer to ‘gay activists’ who have a set agenda to ‘recruit sexually confused adolescents’ into a gay lifestyle. They even go so far as to blame the LGBT community for the prevalence of gay suicides – arguing that these children would work through their sexual confusion if it weren’t for gay recruiters who convince them to commit to homosexuality at an early age. It’s disgusting to me that these groups not only exist, but they apparently have a voice that resonates within our society. As I have said before, myth leads to fear, fear leads to hate, hate leads to violence.

Here are a few excerpts from some of these groups about the so-called link between homosexuality and pedophilia:

(three separate quotes from the same organization)

“Parents are correct to be concerned about homosexuals sexually assaulting their children. The Boy Scouts of America, for example, is right to prohibit homosexuals from membership or leadership positions. It is evident from the statistical evidence and news reports of child molestation cases, that homosexuals pose a clear and present danger to children. Our laws and social policies should protect children, not cater to the whims and sexual desires of sexual predators. We must oppose homosexual activism ‘for the children’s sake.’”

“As homosexuals continue to make inroads into public schools, more children will be molested and indoctrinated into the world of homosexuality. Many of them will die in that world.”

“Once inside the schools, homosexuals then work to silence all opposition to them. Their most effective weapon to date has been to use “homophobia” and “hate speech” as excuses to silence any criticism of their activities. Homosexuals claim that criticism of their practices leads to hate speech, which ultimately leads to violence and murder. Homosexuals also claim that “hate speech” leads homosexual teens to kill themselves. While these arguments are bogus, they effectively intimidate school officials and politicians who haven’t the courage to stand up to gay recruiting programs.”

From Gay Christian Movement Watch:

In response to proposed language from the International Guidelines on HIV / AIDS and Human Rights, which says (among other things) that “the age of consent to sex and marriage should be consistent for heterosexual and homosexual relationships”, the Gay Christian Movement Watch issued the following retort: “Perhaps the most disgusting demand of all is the call to parity the age of consent for homo and heterosexuals. Homosexual pedophiles in the US have attempted openly since 1978 to eliminate all age of consent laws. This UN document actually agrees that homosexual pedophiles should be able to have legal access to young boys without penalty. This is accomplished simply by lowering the age of consent.”

Aside from the intense rhetoric, the closest thing I can find to a rational argument from the right-wing faction is as follows: while the overwhelming majority of documented pedophilia cases include girls as victims, the ratio of men who molest boys compared to those who molest girls is higher than the societal ratio of homosexual men compared to heterosexual men.

In other words, if you are a gay man, you are more likely to be a child molester than if you are a heterosexual man. There are two primary arguments against this notion:

  1. The ‘math’ is heavily disputed. I won’t try to reference all the viewpoints within this blog, because I’m not trying to write a formal thesis. But at the end of the blog, I’ve included links that you can review if you’re so inclined. However, suffice it to say that these ratios are not widely agreed upon. And no matter whose math you believe, it is still more likely that a man will molest your daughter than your son.
  2. There are no compelling studies that demonstrate a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia. There is no evidence that men who prey on boys identify as adult homosexuals. If you look at the frequently referenced cases used by the religious right, many of the perpetrators are ones who either hide under the cloak of religious celibacy (ironically enough), or try to blend into society as respectably married heterosexuals. “Out” gays and lesbians do not fit the prototypical profile of a pedophile.

From what I’ve read, and as I’ve contemplated both sides of the controversy, I believe the following statements would be acknowledged by all:

  • The vast majority of known pedophiles are men
  • The vast majority of pedophilia victims are girls
  • Pedophiles are predators who target children, and are not defined by their adult sexual preferences or relationships

Those who are successful in engaging in pedophilic acts are likely ones who blend into society. The last thing they want to do is to be identified with stereotypes that would cause suspicion and risk their chances of gaining access to children. They are not going to be ‘out’ about anything.

As such, I believe all would agree that parents should do everything they can to protect their children from the dangers of pedophiles. These men are sexual predators who will go to great lengths to establish themselves as trusted authority figures, seek positions where they can gain access to children, and foster personal relationships with the sole intent of inflicting abuse.

This means that youth groups, religious organizations, and schools should act with an imperative to evaluate candidates for youth leadership positions with the highest sense of scrutiny. It also means that applicants for youth leadership roles should welcome such scrutiny if it will help protect the sanctity of the organization and improve the safety of the children it serves.

It does NOT mean, however, that these safety measures should be used as a means to promote a homophobic right-wing agenda that discriminates against the LGBT community. To the contrary, responsible gays and lesbians who are in youth leadership roles are more likely to go out of their way to demonstrate that they are NOT pedophiles to defend themselves against the aggressive tactics of homophobic propagandists who seek to demonize them.

Bottom line… I would like to thank those who recognize that being gay does not equate to being a pedophile. The LGBT community has fought long and hard to debunk this myth, and the tide appears to be turning on this topic. To those who still cling to the belief that gays are seeking to molest and/or recruit your children… please, please, please take the time to research the facts. If you look at the real-life cases of child molesters who have been exposed by the media, you will see that these are not individuals who represent the LGBT community. You can think what you want about the ‘gay lifestyle’, but it does not include child molestation.

Truthfully, it’s hard enough to find people in today’s society who are willing to invest their time and experience to positively impact the future of our youth. Don’t let ignorance, false perceptions, and hateful agendas stand in the way. Enough is enough!

For more information on this topic, please see the following sites:

Gay Friendly

Gay Un-Friendly

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